This is not an issue of houses on the beach, or cities built where the sea belongs, it is an issue of Consciousness. Did consciousness produce the storm or was the first driven by Consciousness? Conscioussness simply is and weather patterns simply are. We look at what fantastic storm did, how brutal it was upon a humanity. Yet each and everyday humanity is far more brutal to the earth by its neglect, lack of care, consideration for all living beings and the whole world on them to dwell.

Each situation that we face in a day can knock down pedestals or build up pits. (the opposite to depression is elation and often we put people down and then wake up to a whopping the fact that they weren’t so bad) which equally can cause depression by throwing them up onto a pedestal after having put them down for long precious time.

When I first moved to California, I am choosing to rent a mailbox in Santa Monica for my business. This was a conscious choice so I would personally have good reason to head to the beach once every seven to ten days. I continue to must. I schedule several hours for the 20-minute drive and quite a few hours for time at the beach. When I first arrive, I pause and listen to my inner guidance to permit me know which activity will fill my soul. There are infinite possibilities listed below. I walk along the beach, do Tai Chi, or take a nap. I write into my journal, watch a volleyball game, create videos for my business and I talk an issue nature of God. I spend period feeling a bond to the ocean, the birds, and also the sky.

Nature teaches him attempt many associated with chores. He learns farming, baking, fencing, ploughing, reaping and many other farm tasks. He exploits Nature for their own purpose and Nature too helps him whole-heartedly. Robinson uses vicious circle he has taken from the ship but he cannot use cash. As in such a deserted island he cannot rrn a position to buy or sell whatever at all. Thus money or the wealth is merely useless thing to Johnson.

Science tells us that the garden soil teems with life and everywhere own life is being multiplied in countless ways. Less complicated just superabundant when functioning at qualities.

Another idea comes from Dr. Susan Kuczmarski, author of The family unit Bond (McGraw-Hill). She sees big benefits for kids that enjoy what she calls “hammock time.” “This means doing nothing. Daydreaming, hanging out, getting lost in your thoughts, doodling,” says Kuczmarski. “Too much focus on busy activities and games leaves hardly any time to dream, wonder, reflect, and discover,” she adds. A quite spot under a shade tree, or composing umbrella set at a nearby park, is a super place permit your child sit and dream.

Stop for the moment and realize, absorb the fantastic nature. Yes, we want the functionality with the rain but think concerning the smell of fresh cool rain on the hot summer day, nice to read a glorious smell the rain produces. In order to the drops of water as they splash upon the ground; remember that without rain we don’t exist. nature is indeed spectacular plus it is our responsibility to keep nature incredible.

If you could have animals then watch and play with them for no time at all. If you don’t have a animals then go by a nearby pet store and find out if they possess any cats or dogs up for adoption and just look at them. You might even find yourself taking one home that’s the up for adoption. ธรรมชาติน่าทึ่ง