Holiness- Holiness is the 6th essential Element of your Gospel and shares a binary relationship with Sanctification. A severing has to occur. Emotional Healing We, who believe in Jesus, will need to take on God’s perspective and identify with Christ. Whenever we were sinners we took on the perspective of the world, an awesome model . that were born again into God’s house of your covenant we take on God’s lookout. Holiness means that we reciprocate to God. He separated us from the world to Himself and we reciprocate in kind. We separate ourselves from the world unto The lord. Your soul carries this testimony of Jesus Jesus. The likeness of Jesus christ is spoken to.

This is the time when your specific souls merge/join/infuse each other and their energies start to exceed the sum their individual parts. One plus one equals many.

healing of soul These are Jake’s final words before attending the ritual to transplant his soul into the Na’Vi avatar body permanently with the assistance of the clan and also the Tree of Souls.

Ascended Master El Morya has recently also formed a working relationship using Ascended Master Mary Magdalene to help those that in personal crisis, finding their personal power, fighting external battles and have selected Gods Will over distinctive freewill.

The human race inherited this history within the person carries this testimony of Satan and carries this image of darkness upon the mind and heart and soul. The deception began with knowledge and this is the reason people today still adhere to the pattern of Satan’s lies and still carry his likeness. Adam took inside the knowledge of darkness as well as his soul reflected the pattern of that knowledge.

Victims never heal. If you have adopted a victim or “poor me” attitude, you are disempowering yourself from living an authentically happy circumstances. It is time to face and embrace past hurts and hang up ups; forgive any wrongdoers- including you, process them, and bid them adieu. What happened ten rice or even ten minutes ago is. You have a choice to stuff negative emotions or embrace them, process them, and allow them to go.

What happened to that little boy or young child inside the customer? Since we cannot retrieve childhood physically, maybe effortlessly from in less than. Remember your past like a child – the fun and you can’t times. As you look to your life the actual eyes of their child, recall how active your heart and imagination were. Embrace it. Let this inner vision penetrate your entire awareness. Allow to go of your adult interpretations of your childhood and think about it with innocence and love.